Non Animal Testing Database

New method shows chemical interaction in Parkinson's disease

Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The interaction of the neuronal protein α-synuclein with lipid membranes appears crucial in the context of Parkinson’s disease. However, the underlying mechanisms are not yet identified. Single-vesicle resolution fluorescence and label-free scattering microscopy in combination provide the advantage to measure the tiniest amounts of molecules and their reactions. The combined methods have now shown that the human α-synuclein interacts differently with different types of lipid vesicles. It disrupts the mitochondrial-like vesicles, indicating that mitochondrial membrane deformation and therefore disruption occurs through this specific binding. This can be a crucial step in the disease process.
Single-vesicle imaging reveals lipid-selective and stepwise membrane disruption by monomeric α-synuclein
Fredrik Höök, Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede
Added on: 02-10-2021
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