Non Animal Testing Database

New imaging agent to visualize early-stage amyloid-beta plaques

La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases. The most accepted theory assumes that the formation of amyloid-beta plaques is the causative process of the onset and development of the disease. However, until today, post-mortem brain analysis remains the only certain way to diagnose the disease. Therefore, there is a need to detect amyloid-beta plaques in the early stages of the disease to be able to properly design therapeutic strategies. Here, several analogues of Tc-99m have been designed to detect amyloid-beta plaques with medical imaging techniques. The results show that one of these complexes was able to bind to amyloid-beta plaques in samples of human frontal cortex from patients with Alzheimer's disease. This can open the door to a reliable, easy source of imaging agents that can pave the road to an early diagnosis and follow-up of Alzheimer's disease.
Rhenium(i) complexes of N-heterocyclic carbene ligands that bind to amyloid plaques of Alzheimer's disease
Peter J Barnard
Added on: 08-23-2021
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