Non Animal Testing Database

In silico prediction of lung cancer antigen 3D structure to facilitate treatment design

Armed Forces College of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt
XAGE-1b is an overexpressed surface antigen in lung adenocarcinoma and was shown to be strongly immunogenic. The quest for designing immunotherapies as peptide vaccines based on XAGE-1b has been challenged by the lack of detailed structural information regarding its immunogenic properties. In this study, the researchers used a homology modelling technique and performed computer-based 3-dimensional structure models of XAGE-1b. The obtained 3D structure could explain its antigenic function and facilitate the usage of predicted peptides for experimental validation towards designing immunotherapies against lung adenocarcinoma.
Computational prediction of vaccine potential epitopes and 3-dimensional structure of XAGE-1b for non-small cell lung cancer immunotherapy
Mohammad M. Tarek
Added on: 07-27-2021
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