Non Animal Testing Database

Toxicity test of a static skin model vs. two-organ-on-a-chip model

November 2020
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Even though a substance/drug might not have an irritant effect on the skin where it is applied, it can still have toxic effects on the body and its organs once it has crossed the skin barrier and is metabolized. In this study, the irritancy/toxicity of a substance was tested on reconstructed human skin (RHS) compared to RHS plus liver spheroids cultivated on a chip. The application of the drug terbinafine on the skin did not cause any irritation. But the evaluation of the chip system showed several markers indicating toxic effects on the liver. The study shows that topical evaluation of irritancy and/or toxicity are not sufficient to ensure systemic safety.
Toxicity of topically applied drugs beyond skin irritation: Static skin model vs. Two organs-on-a-chip
L. R. Gaspar
Added on: 11-22-2020
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