Non Animal Testing Database

Blood-brain-barrier chip recapitulates shuttling of drugs and antibodies

Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, Boston, USA
This multifluidic blood-brain-barrier-on-a-chip model contains a human iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelium interfaced with primary human brain astrocytes and pericytes. The model recapitulates the barrier function of the in vivo human blood-brain-barrier for at least one week in culture. The endothelium displays selective transcytosis of peptides and antibodies previously observed in vivo. Increased barrier functionality was accomplished including a period of differentiation under hypoxic conditions.
Hypoxia-enhanced Blood-Brain Barrier Chip recapitulates human barrier function and shuttling of drugs and antibodies
Donald E. Ingber
Added on: 05-05-2020
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