EpiOral and EpiGingival: human oral mucosal modells
CompanyMatTek Corporation, Ashland, USA
MatTek’s EpiOral and EpiGingival tissues consist of normal, human-derived oral epithelial cells. The cells have been cultured to form multilayered, highly differentiated models of the human buccal (EpiOral) and gingival (EpiGingival) phenotypes. The tissues are cultured on specially prepared cell culture inserts using serum-free medium and attain levels of differentiation on the cutting edge of in vitro cell culture technology. The models exhibit in vivo-like morphological and growth characteristics which are uniform and highly reproducible. Suitable for oral irritation testing, drug delivery and absorption analyses and studies of oral Candidiasis.
Added on: 07-13-2020
[1] https://www.mattek.com/products/epioral-epigingival/