Non Animal Testing Database

Development of GPR65 inhibitors for the treatment of solid tumor diseases

Pathios Therapeutics Ltd., Abingdon, United Kingdom
Pathios Therapeutics specializes in the development of a new form of cancer therapeutics for the treatment of solid tumor diseases. The growth of cancer cells leads to the creation of an acidic tumor microenvironment (TME) through various metabolic processes. Based on immunological and genetic findings, an acidic pH value induces a functional change in the immune receptor GPR65. According to current knowledge, the pathological activation of GRP65 and the associated suppression of the immune response is closely linked to the low treatment response of cancer patients treated with T-cell checkpoint inhibitors. The company is therefore focusing on the development of drugs that inhibit the GPR65 signaling pathways and thereby promote the redevelopment of a healthy and immune-active microenvironment. In summary, human genetic research provides valuable starting points for advancing drug research and gaining new insights for optimized treatment of cancer patients.
Using human genetics to transform cancer outcomes
Added on: 04-24-2024
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