Non Animal Testing Database

3D visualization of the brain using multiscan technology

Eaglescience Software B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands
Eaglescience B.V. works in collaboration with various companies and medical research centres in the development of AI-supported software (Neurostars) that enables personalized 3D visualization of the brain. By combining different neuroimaging and scanning technologies and using deep learning algorithms, the relevant tissue types (e.g. brain, veins, tumor) and patterns can be displayed in a differentiated manner. Using an easy-to-use software tool, the diverse information is synchronized and converted into a three-dimensional brain model of the patient in a virtual environment. The program uses additional lighting techniques to create shadows and reflections to enable realistic depth vision. This allows neurosurgeons to plan their procedures precisely and also train in a virtual reality environment. Furthermore, Neurostars improves doctor-patient communication by facilitating the shared decision-making process and patient approval for a recommended operation. By integrating the software platform into teaching, the program can help improve the training of brain surgeons and students. In summary, the Neurostars project can help advance neuroscience research, as well as create new opportunities to improve diagnosis and personalized treatment of patients with neurological diseases.
Neurostars. Virtuele 3D visualisatie van de hersenen
Added on: 04-09-2024
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