Non Animal Testing Database

3D lung-on-chip model for drug and toxicity studies

Dynamic42 GmbH, Jena, Germany
The three-dimensional lung-on-chip model from Dynamic42 validly recapitulates the structural and functional properties of the human lung in vivo. The microphysiological system consists of two compartments: a pulmonary alveoli compartment and an adjacent vascular compartment lined with endothelial cells to simulate blood flow. The alveolar compartment contains lung epithelial cells and tissue-resident alveolar macrophages. To model airborne diseases, the lung epithelium is cultured at an air-liquid interface. The perfused platform can be operated with various cell sources and creates a stable physiological microenvironment for up to 14 days. The lung organ chip can be used in various studies. It is suitable for evaluating the efficacy and toxicity of preclinical drug candidates, as well as for in-depth research into various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lungs. In summary, the method helps to accelerate drug development, optimize existing therapeutic approaches and generate new insights into pathological mechanisms at the cellular level.
Added on: 04-05-2024
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