Non Animal Testing Database

AI-supported machine learning system to optimize cancer imaging diagnostics

KeyZell, Sevilla, Spain
To optimize cancer imaging diagnostics, the biotechnology company KeyZell has developed the AI-based Oncology Precision System (O.P.S.) in collaboration with One Technology. O.P.S is a machine learning system trained on 108,948 chest X-ray images from over 30,000 patients and is made available to physicians in the form of a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool. To validate the method, patterns reported to the AI were compared with patterns rated as abnormal by the radiologist. Currently, the diagnostic platform includes up to 112 biomarkers and enables assessment of oncological status in less than a minute with an efficiency of 89%. KeyZell has completed training for the lung and breast cancer prototype and is currently training a module for AI-assisted diagnosis of colorectal cancer. In summary, O.P.S. as an effective diagnostic tool that supports physicians in their clinical decision-making and the development of a personalized treatment strategy.
A.I. Diagnosis
Added on: 02-15-2024
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