Non Animal Testing Database

Tire tread particle toxicity to fish cell lines

Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Tire tread particles resulting from tire abrasion raise concerns due to their potential contribution to aquatic toxicity. This study aimed to assess toxicity of the particles and associated chemicals to fish using two Rainbow Trout cell lines representing the gill (RTgill-W1) and the intestinal (RTgutGC) epithelium. Particle toxicity was evaluated through several exposure pathways, including direct contact and leaching, while also assessing the impact of particle ageing. Digestion of particles was imitated in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid. Cell viability was assessed after 24 h acute exposure using a multiple-endpoint assay indicative of cell metabolic activity, membrane integrity and lysosome integrity. In vitro EC50 values for the fish cell lines were determined to be 2.02 g/L and 4.65 g/L for RTgill-W1 and RTgutGC cell lines, respectively, and were similar to in vivo LC50 values estimated at 6 g/L from literature data. The toxicity was found to be mainly driven by the leaching of tire-associated chemicals. Ageing and digestion conditions were also found to mediate the particles' toxicity.
Evaluation of tire tread particle toxicity to fish using rainbow trout cell lines
William Dudefoi
Added on: 02-14-2024
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