Non Animal Testing Database

Chemoproteomics platform for developing of targeted cancer drugs

BridGene Biosciences, San Jose, USA
The company BridGene Bioscienes specializes in the development of small molecule drugs against difficult-to-cure, protein-associated cancers. To identify potential active ingredients and their binding targets, the company has developed the chemoproteomics platform IMTAC™ (Isobaric Mass Tagged Affinity Characterization), which combines different technological approaches (covalent chemistry, chemical proteomics and quantitative mass spectrometry). The platform includes a comprehensive covalent library of small molecules loaded with various “warheads” targeting specific amino acids (cysteine, lysine, tyrosine, etc.). The molecules are brought into contact with living cells and penetrate into all cellular areas. IMTAC™ thereby enables effective screening of the entire proteome and direct isolation and identification of bound protein targets. Furthermore, the platform is able to specifically screen for disease-promoting mutants that are associated with certain oncological diseases (such as K-RAS G12C). In addition, the living cells are examined in different stimulation states. This also makes it possible to discover target binding targets in dynamic protein pockets that only develop in certain stimulus states. Using quantitative mass spectrometry, the potential protein targets are identified, their binding affinity to the molecule is assessed and a drug candidate ranking is created. In summary, the IMTAC™ platform proves to be an innovative solution for screening for previously unknown drug targets that can help improve the development of targeted cancer drugs.
Unlocking the proteome. Bridging new medicines with undruggable targets.
Added on: 01-18-2024
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