Non Animal Testing Database

Computer platform for the development of selective and targeted intracellular therapeutics

SRI International, Menlo Park, USA
To optimize the development and delivery of intracellular biotherapeutics, SRI Biosciences has developed the computer-based platform FOX Three Molecular Guidance System. The platform enables cell-selective and targeted transport of large-molecule active ingredients into the interior of the cell by identifying unique peptide suppliers, the so-called MGS. The MGS are able to transport various therapeutic agents, such as protein-based toxins, antibodies, nucleic acids, liposomes and nanoparticles, to the desired cell types. After systemic administration and binding to the target cell, the MGS induce rapid cellular uptake of the bound cargo and deliver it to a specific target within the cell (also called a subcellular organelle). The computational platform's integrated data library currently includes information on 40 known MGS, selectively targeting nearly 20 different cell types and enabling targeted delivery to up to a dozen different subcellular drug targets. The FOX Three MGS platform was originally developed primarily to identify efficient targets for tumor suppression. The company has now expanded the database to other research areas and is working on the identification and development of MGS, which is intended to advance drug therapy options for liquid tumors and cardiac and metabolic diseases. Research is also underway to discover potential vaccine targets. In summary, the platform is a promising method that can help develop drugs that specifically target diseased cells without affecting the functional activities and structures of healthy cells.
FOX Three Molecular Guidance System (MGS)™
Added on: 11-30-2023
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