Non Animal Testing Database

Immune cell-tumor interaction-on-a-chip

National Research Council, Genoa, Italy
In this study, an organ-on-chip-based approach for recapitulating the immune cell migration and infiltration within a 3D tumor matrix is presented. Human neuroblastoma cells were embedded in a hydrogel matrix and cultured in a compartment physically separated from the fluid flow compartment of the microfluidic device through a porous permeable membrane. Natural killer (NK) cells were isolated from blood of healthy volunteers. The NK cells were able to migrate into the tumor compartment, and it was demonstrated that their migration is specifically mediated by soluble factors released by the tumor cells. Moreover, the NK cells retained their ability to interact with the tumor cells, and to display a cytotoxic effect resulting in tumor cell apoptosis. The model represents a promising approach for the screening of the anti-tumor activity of both, drug-based and cell-based therapies. Moreover, it allows the investigation of tumor-immune cell interactions.
A multi-organ-on-chip to recapitulate the infiltration and the cytotoxic activity of circulating NK cells in 3D matrix-based tumor model
Silvia Scaglione
Added on: 10-19-2023
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