Non Animal Testing Database

Development of 3D brain organoids to study neuronal plasticity

myriamed GmbH, Goettingen, Germany
The biotechnologically engineered neuronal organoids (BENOs) from myriamed consist of excitatory (glutamatergic) and inhibitory (GABAergic) neurons, as well as supporting glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes). The stem cell-derived cells are cultivated in a collagen hydrogel in which they form highly interconnected, three-dimensional neural networks. Studies have shown that BENOs recapitulate important steps in fetal development of the human brain, such as the appearance of giant depolarizing potentials (GDPs). After more than 40 days in culture, a reduction in GDPs and a GABA polarity switch were observed, indicating progressive maturation of the mini brain models. After two months, an accelerated development and an increased occurrence of neuronal networks, as well as indications of long-term potentiation, could be observed. BENOs therefore enable a deeper investigation of the neuronal plasticity of the brain, as well as a modelling of neuronal diseases. The brain organoids are suitable for a variety of (pre-)clinical studies and can help to expand the understanding of the development and maturation processes of the brain and to improve drug development.
Added on: 08-16-2023
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