Non Animal Testing Database

Optimization of fMRI-based mapping

University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
The definition of regions of interest in fMRI is often complicated due to the considerable interindividual variability of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the aim of this study was to optimize fMRI-based mapping. Different approaches to localize regions of interest were investigated and compared for 50 participants. These included cortex-based alignment, volume-based alignment and a surface-based analysis. During the functional imaging a series of flickering black-and white-colored checkerboard stimuli were shown and participants had to press a button when the central squares of the checkerboard changed their color to yellow. Cortex-based alignment was shown to lead to best results. Since localization of regions of interest is crucial for investigating contributions of the visual system to cognitive processes, the results could have implications for the study of visual cognition in basic and translational neuroscience research. This could be particularly relevant when studying neuropsychiatric disorders with abnormally increased interindividual macroanatomical variability.
Improved correspondence of fMRI visual field localizer data after cortex‑based macroanatomical alignment
Robert A. Bittner
Added on: 04-24-2023
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