Cerebrospinal fluid immune dysregulation during brain aging and cognitive impairment
December 2022
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, USA
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contains a tightly regulated immune system. However, knowledge is lacking about how CSF immunity is altered with ageing or neurodegenerative disease. Here single-cell RNA sequencing on CSF from 45 cognitively normal subjects ranging from 54 to 82 years was performed. An upregulation of lipid transport genes in monocytes with age was uncovered. Then this cohort was compared with 14 cognitively impaired subjects. In cognitively impaired subjects, downregulation of lipid transport genes in monocytes occurred concomitantly with altered cytokine signalling to CD8 T cells. Additionally, the authors uncovered CXCL16-CXCR6 signalling as a potential mechanism of antigen-specific T cell entry into the intrathecal space of patients with CI. These findings could be used to improve anti-inflammatory therapeutics or to estimate levels of neuroinflammation in cognitively impaired patients.
Cerebrospinal fluid immune dysregulation during healthy brain aging and cognitive impairment
David Gate
Added on: 01-30-2023
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