Analyses of human midbrain tissues reveal Parkinson's disease mechanisms
December 2021
University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany(1)
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg(2)
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg(2)
Parkinson’s disease is characterized by a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons, but the involved mechanisms remain largely unknown. A large genome-wide association study assessed the cell type-specific risk for Parkinson’s disease. Using post-mortem midbrain samples of patients, the contribution of all cell types was analysed by single-nuclei RNA sequencing. The same tissues were immunolabelled for validation of the outcomes. A specific neuronal cell cluster was identified as being exclusively present in Parkinson’s disease midbrains.
Single-cell sequencing of human midbrain reveals glial activation and a Parkinson-specific neuronal state
Malte Spielmann(1), Anne Grünewald(2)
Added on: 12-06-2022