Non Animal Testing Database

Onset and development of neuroblastoma

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer of the developing nervous system. The cellular origin of neuroblastoma has not been defined yet. Single-cell transcriptomes of neuroblastomas and normal human developing adrenal glands at various stages of embryonic and fetal development have been studied in the present work aiming to identify the cell of origin of neuroblastoma. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, transcriptional similarities between human embryonic adrenal glands and neuroblastoma tumors could be identified. In addition, there was a clear link between the differentiation status of the tumor cell population and its associated clinical phenotype. This significantly improves knowledge of neuroblastoma onset and opens opportunities for therapeutic approaches.
Single-cell transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the developmental origins of neuroblastoma
Frank Westermann
Added on: 10-25-2022
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