Non Animal Testing Database

Gut bacteria linked to infant sleep patterns

University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Sleep disorders have been linked to alterations of gut microbiota composition in adult humans, but it is unclear how this link develops. With longitudinal assessments of 162 healthy infants, the authors present a so far unrecognized sleep-brain-gut interrelationship. They report a link between sleep habits, gut microbiota, sleep neurophysiology and development. These results demonstrate the dynamic interplay between sleep, gut microbiota, and the maturation of the brain and behaviour during infancy, which aligns with the newly emerging concept of a sleep-brain-gut axis. Importantly, sleep and gut microbiota represent promising health targets since both can be modified non-invasively. As many adult diseases root in early childhood, leveraging protective factors of adequate sleep and age-appropriate gut microbiota in infancy could constitute a health-promoting factor across the entire human lifespan.
From Alpha diversity to Zzz: Interactions among sleep, the brain, and gut microbiota in the first year of life
S. Kurth
Added on: 03-16-2022
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