Non Animal Testing Database

Mathematical analysis of blood flow dynamics in patients to predict aneurysm

Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
The anterior communicating artery (AcomA) is accounting for > 25% of all intracranial aneurysm populations. Hemodynamics are essential to understand AcomA aneurysm formation: wall shear stress (WSS) is the frictional force of viscous blood on the endothelial surface which is partly responsible for aneurysm formation. In the present study, the researchers aimed at identifying which hemodynamic parameters can characterize AcomA aneurysm formation. The researchers studied imaging data and haemodynamics parameters of AcomA from 81 patients and 118 controls during a period of three years. A mathematical analysis allowed for the identification of parameters of WSS which could predict AcomA aneurysm formation. The study describes a method that could be used as a screening tool for evaluating the probability of aneurysm formation.
The role of wall shear stress in the parent artery as an independent variable in the formation status of anterior communicating artery aneurysms
Chuan-Zhi Duan
Added on: 11-27-2021
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