Non Animal Testing Database

Alzheimer in mini brains

Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Despite intensive research, the cause of the plaque deposits in the brain in Alzheimer's patients has still not been found. At the University of Bochum, mini brains are now used to answer this question. The researchers genetically modify the stem cells from which the minibrains are made by inserting fluorescent markers at specific genetic locations. For example, by inserting these markers right at the beginning and end of the gene sequence that contains the blueprint for the protein that is deposited in Alzheimer's, they can later track exactly where the protein or its cleaved parts is located. This allows the results obtained in cell culture to be checked in a more human-relevant system.
Alzheimer im Mini-Gehirn
Thorsten Müller
Added on: 05-25-2020
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