Non Animal Testing Database

Mathematical model of T-cell dynamics in type 1 diabetes

McGill University, Montréal, Canada
T cells generate the proper immune response(s) against pathogens using a set of surface molecules called T-cell receptors (TCRs) which allow recognition of foreign antigens. The diversity of TCR-reactivity to various antigens make some of these T cells, however, susceptible to autoreactivity to self-antigens which may cause an autoimmune disorder like Type 1 diabetes (T1D). In the present study, the researchers aimed at modelling the regulation dynamics of T cells during T1D progression. The model allows for predicting T1D progression based on adjustable parameters. The model can thus help unravel the complex interplay between T-cell pools and to optimize the therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of the disease.
Continuum model of T-cell avidity: understanding autoreactive and regulatory T-cell responses in type 1 diabetes
Anmar Khadra
Added on: 10-29-2021
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