Skin model of psoriasis patients to elucidate immune cells' role in disease
Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Psoriasis is an autoimmune chronic dermatosis characterized by epidermal thickening, aberrant epidermal differentiation and inflammatory infiltrates. This disease is mediated by immune T cells, hence the development of models to study the complex interplay between T cells and skin is urgent. In the present study, the researchers generated a new in vitro model using skin cells and immune cells from donors. The model showed to recapitulate key hallmarks of the disease such as certain transcripts and certain morphological aberrant structures. Further, the model was shown to be responsive to current drugs, which could validate its utility for drug development.
Infiltration of T cells into a three-dimensional psoriatic skin model mimics pathological key features
Roxane Pouliot
Added on: 10-19-2021