Non Animal Testing Database

Mathemathical models for metastasis prediction

Ondokuz Mayis University School of Medicine, Samsun, Turkey
The study presents the building of a new nomogram for predicting non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in sentinel lymph node patients with invasive human breast cancer to try to overcome the need of performing axillary lymph node dissections. The nomogram was built taking into account several independent predictive factors and, together with other selected models, they showed excellent discrimination capacities. After testing several models in 237 patients, the researchers found several properties of breast tumours that can be predictive factors. Here, a new nomogram is presented that could be used to predict the likelihood of non-sentinel lymph node metastasis.
A breast cancer nomogram for prediction of non-sentinel node metastasis - validation of fourteen existing models
Bekir Kuru
Added on: 07-30-2021
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