Non Animal Testing Database

Personalized medicine to study the role of microorganisms in chronic diseases

October 2020
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia(1)
PANDIS, Sydney, Australia(2)
An increasing number of studies links microorganisms to chronic diseases such as tumours and brain diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. PANDIS is an Australian consortium of patients, clinicians and scientists investigating the role of microorganisms in chronic diseases. The main focus is on diseases caused by ticks. The formulation of data points and the use of bioinformatics allows sorting pathogenic from productive and anaerobic from aerobic microbes. The data are merged with information about the individual lipid and nutrient sources and the nutrient profile of the patient to obtain a detailed profile of the microbiome. RNA metagenomics is used to detect both known and unknown microorganisms. In addition, the concentrations of different biomarkers in the blood of patients are determined to obtain specific signatures for subtypes of infections. All the data obtained are stored in a database and analysed using artificial intelligence.
Personalized medicine model aiming to improve diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases
Gilles Guillemin(1), Catherin Stace(2)
Added on: 11-13-2020
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