Non Animal Testing Database

Automated confocal high-throughput imaging for Organs-on-Chips

AstraZeneca IMED Biotech Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom
The authors created an end-to-end, automated workflow to capture and analyse confocal images of multicellular Organ-Chips to assess detailed cellular phenotype across large batches of chips. The automation of this process not only reduced acquisition time but also minimised process variability and user bias. The authors established a framework of statistical best practices for Organ-Chip imaging in drug discovery and testing. The workflow was tested with benzbromarone, whose mechanism of toxicity has been linked to mitochondrial damage with subsequent induction of apoptosis and necrosis, and staurosporine, an inducer of apoptosis. The hepatotoxic effects of an active AstraZeneca drug candidate were also assessed, illustrating the method’s applicability in drug safety assessment beyond testing tool compounds. Finally, the authors demonstrated that this approach could be adapted to Organ-Chips of different shapes and sizes via an application of a Kidney-Chip.
Introducing an automated high content confocal imaging approach for Organs-on-Chips
Samantha Peel
Added on: 10-13-2020
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