Non Animal Testing Database

CANIM-ARCOL: a size-adapted in vitro model of the canine colon

Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Differences in dog breed sizes affect digestive physiology, particularly in the large intestine. So far, there is only one in-vitro model of the canine colon that incorporates the dynamics of different gut regions, but it does not account for size-related digestive parameters. In this study, a new model, the CANIne Mucosal ARtificial COLon (CANIM-ARCOL), was developed to simulate key physiochemical, nutritional, and microbial parameters, tailored to three dog sizes (small, medium, large). In-vitro fermentations using stool samples from 13 dogs validated the model. The microbiota profiles clearly clustered according to dog size, and microbial activity increased with dog size. The CANIM-ARCOL model could serve as a relevant platform to study the interactions between food, pharmaceuticals, and the microbiota, while also accounting for breed-related differences.
Canine Mucosal Artificial Colon: development of a new colonic in vitro model adapted to dog sizes
Stéphanie Blanquet-Diot
Added on: 11-20-2024
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