Non Animal Testing Database

Precision 3D cell culture handling

Lucero AB, Mölndal, Sweden
The company Lucero Bio combines the technologies microfluidics and artificial intelligence to accelerate the development of personalized medicines. They focus on the application of 3D cell cultures in early drug research. These cell cultures offer a promising model to better understand the mechanisms of action of drugs in the human body. Microfluidics is used to improve the handling and miniaturization of 3D cultures, which enables more precise analyses. At the same time, AI plays a role in efficiently evaluating large amounts of data and optimizing the drug development process. The aim is to enable pharmaceutical companies to reliably use 3D cell cultures on a large scale. This allows for greater predictability of the efficacy and toxicity of drug candidates in humans before they move on to clinical trials.
Precision 3D cell culture handling
Added on: 10-18-2024
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