Non Animal Testing Database

Automated development of personalized T cell therapies

ActiTrexx GmbH, Mainz, Germany
To prevent and treat rejection reactions in stem cell transplants, the company ActiTrexx has developed an automated process for the development of personalized immune therapeutics (actileucel therapy). The development of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is primarily induced by activation of the donor's CD4+ T lymphocytes. The cellular therapeutic agent actileucel contains modified regulatory T cells that prevent this activation and can thereby prevent the development of GVHD. At the same time, they help to strengthen the patient's own immune system. By automating the various work steps (cleaning and preparation of donor leukapheresis, selection and activation of suitable T cells), ActiTrexx can make the vital medication available to the patient in just 24 hours. Actileucel has already been classified as an advanced therapy medicinal product (ATMP). The development is supported by, among others, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In summary, the method can help to develop an optimized treatment path for various serious diseases that require stem cell transplantation (such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and infections) and to significantly reduce the risk of life-threatening complications and the development of long-term side effects.
ActiTrexx. Activated treg for tolerance.
Added on: 04-09-2024
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