Non Animal Testing Database

AI-based test method for hazard classification of skin sensitizers

SenzaGen, Lund, Sweden
The GARDpotency is an AI-based assay for the differential assessment of skin sensitizers, which was developed as an additional test method to the GARDskin Assay. The GARD®skin technology is based on a gene expression analysis of a human dendritic cell line (SenzaCell™), which can distinguish allergenic and non-allergenic active ingredients and chemicals with over 90% accuracy. Skin allergens validated by the GARDskin (OECD TG 442E) can now be additionally divided into strong (1A) and weak (1B) sensitizers using the GARDpotency. For this purpose, a machine learning platform compares the gene expression pattern of the test sample with 51 relevant biomarkers. Meaningful results are generated within a period of 4–8 weeks. The test procedure is part of the OECD test guidelines program (TGP 4.106) and is accepted by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the hazard classification of skin allergens according to the GHS/CLP system. In summary, GARDpotency proves to be an innovative method that can help to optimize and accelerate current testing and safety procedures for active ingredients and other chemicals.
GARD®potency. Skin sensitizing potency classification according to GHS/CLP
Added on: 11-15-2023
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