Non Animal Testing Database

Platform for analysing the formation and mechanisms of action of disease-associated condensates

Dewpoint Therapeutics, Boston, USA
Condensates are membrane-unbound cell organelles that influence the course of important biochemical processes within the cell through compartmentalization and concentration of certain molecules. Malformed condensates can be associated with a toxic gain and/or loss of function of the affected cell (or the affected cell compartment). Their dynamic behaviour is regulated by interaction mechanisms between different proteins and nucleic acids. To analyse condensates' formation and mechanism of action, and their significance for the development of complex diseases (so-called condensatopathies), the company Dewpoint Therapeutics combines findings and methods from condensate biology with AI-based in silico methods in an integrated platform. High-resolution imaging screening methods are used to analyse the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of certain condensates, and the information obtained is stored in the form of “digital fingerprints”. The integrated AI can now predict statements about the behaviour of specific condensates based on the resulting data sets (multi-omics). In addition, the platform is able to identify disease-associated cell organelles and thereby enables targeted screening for relevant biomarkers and condensate-modifying agents (so-called c-mods). In summary, the integrated platform proves to be a valuable method that can help to understand the complex interactions between different cell organelles and compartments in greater depth and to prevent the development of condensation diseases through improved and personalized drug development.
A fully integrated discovery platform
Added on: 11-14-2023
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