Non Animal Testing Database

Holotomography for the investigating of cells and tissues

Tomocube, Daejeon, South Korea
Tomocube’s Holotomography (HT) technology provides label-free 4D quantitative imaging solutions for imaging and analysing cells, tissues and organoids. Without using any preparation including fixation, transfection, or staining, details of dynamics and mechanisms of live cells, subcellular organelles, and tissue structures can be seen. HT not only enables observation of nanoscale, real-time results based on quantitative phase imaging (QPI) but also provides quantitative information of cells and organelles. The Tomocube system uses a Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) to enable the illumination beam rotation. Using the TomoStudio™ software, it is possible to visualize 3D, colour-coded structures that were previously undetectable without staining. Because the refractive index has a linear correlation to protein concentration, quantitative data such as volume, surface area, and dry mass can be extracted from the cell and its subcellular components without invasive labelling. Furthermore, with full automation, Tomocube’s HT enables long-term study of live cells on a large scale, and real time live cell analysis.
Holotomography - Label-free quantitative imaging: A completely new way of investigating cells and tissues
Added on: 08-31-2023
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