Non Animal Testing Database

In-vitro cerebral tissues mimic circuit disturbances in 3D

Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands
In-vitro modelling of brain network disorders such as epilepsy remains a major challenge. A critical step is to develop an experimental approach that enables recapitulation of in-vivo-like three-dimensional functional complexity while allowing local modulation of the neuronal networks. Here, multiregional cerebral tissues with intact 3D neuronal networks and functional interconnectivity characteristics of brain networks were engineered by promoting matrix-supported active cell reaggregation. Furthermore, using a multi-chambered tissue-culture chip, it was shown that the separated but interconnected cerebral tissues can mimic neuropathological signatures such as the propagation of epileptiform discharges.
In-vitro engineered human cerebral tissues mimic pathological circuit disturbances in 3D
Aref Saberi, Nicholas A. Kurniawan
Added on: 01-27-2023
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