Non Animal Testing Database

Human physiologically based kinetic model

Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen, Netherlands
The predictive performance of a generic human physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model based on in-vitro and in-silico input data was assessed and optimized. Therefore, a dataset was created of 38,772 Cmax predictions for 44 compounds by applying different combinations of in vitro and in silico approaches for chemical parameterization. The predicted values were compared to reported human in vivo data derived from the literature. While the current model overestimated Cmax values, an underestimation did not occur. The results provide crucial insights into the predictive performance of PBK models based on in-vitro and in-silico input and the influence of different input approaches on the model predictions. This will promote the transition towards next-generation (animal-free) testing strategies for chemical safety evaluations by converting in vitro toxicity data into in vivo dose-response information.
Predictive performance of next generation human physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model predictions based on in vitro and in silico input data
Ans Punt
Added on: 04-22-2022
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