Non Animal Testing Database

Mathematical model for the evolution of ageing

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany
According to one classical ageing theory, ageing develops because selection for certain characteristics decreases over the course of the reproductive period. Ageing would then be the consequence of decreasing selective power with increasing age. However, recent research has shown that this apparent inevitability depends on certain basic assumptions, which by no means always have to be given. In this study, the researchers developed a dynamic mathematical model that is no longer based on the assumption of certain presuppositions. They had their model reproduce the evolutionary process of living beings over and over again. Their theoretical analysis found that even under these dynamic conditions, the evolution of ageing always develops in a stable manner. They also found that as a consequence of ageing, the selective power decreases with reproductive age. Thus, on the one hand, they were able to confirm the classical mathematical theory of ageing: Selection power decreases with age. On the other hand, however, they showed that its logic must be reversed: The selective power weakens with age because ageing evolves, and not vice versa.
The selection force weakens with age because ageing evolves and not vice versa
Stefano Giaimo
Added on: 03-10-2022
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