Non Animal Testing Database

Applying knowledge-driven mechanistic inference to toxicogenomics

University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
When considering toxic chemicals in the environment, a mechanistic, causal explanation of toxicity may be preferred over a statistical or machine learning-based prediction by itself. Elucidating a mechanism of toxicity is, however, a costly and time-consuming process that requires the participation of specialists from a variety of fields, often relying on animal models. The researchers present an innovative mechanistic inference framework (MechSpy), which can be used as a hypothesis generation aid to narrow the scope of mechanistic toxicology analysis. MechSpy generates hypotheses of the most likely mechanisms of toxicity, by combining a semantically-interconnected knowledge representation of human biology, toxicology and biochemistry with gene expression time series on human tissue. Using vector representations of biological entities, MechSpy seeks enrichment in a manually curated list of high-level mechanisms of toxicity, represented as biochemically- and causally-linked ontology concepts. Besides predicting the canonical mechanism of toxicity for many well-studied compounds, the researchers experimentally validated some of their predictions for other chemicals without an established mechanism of toxicity. This mechanistic inference framework is an advantageous tool for predictive toxicology and the first of its kind to produce a mechanistic explanation for each prediction. MechSpy can be modified to include additional mechanisms of toxicity and is generalizable to other types of mechanisms of human biology.
Applying knowledge-driven mechanistic inference to toxicogenomics
Ignacio J.Tripodi
Added on: 02-14-2022
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