Non Animal Testing Database

In silico model of metabolism in cardiomyocytes

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Ischemic heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and occurs when the circulation of the blood is restricted, thereby limiting the delivery of nutrients and removal of metabolic by-products. The heart can be saved by restoring blood flow using reperfusion techniques but it carries the risk of damaging additional heart tissue (ischemia/reperfusion injury). In the present study, the researchers aimed at building a metabolism model allowing identification of precursor conditions to ischemia/reperfusion injury. The researchers developed an in silico model of glucose metabolism within the cardiomyocyte over time. Reduced oxygen levels and ATP consumption rates were simulated to characterize metabolite responses to ischemia. By tracking biochemical species within the cell, the model enables prediction of the cell's condition up to the moment of reperfusion. The model described in the study provides a time-dependent framework for studying various intervention strategies to change the outcome of reperfusion.
Modeling oxygen requirements in ischemic cardiomyocytes
C. Forbes Dewey Jr
Added on: 12-02-2021
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