Non Animal Testing Database

In silico analysis of angiography from patients to predict risk of coronary plaque rupture

Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
Coronary plaque rupture is a critical event that triggers the initiation of an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Although the sequence of plaque rupture is well understood with previously reported histopathological data, the prediction of plaque rupture in an individual patient is still problematic. In the present study, the researchers aimed at characterizing the hemodynamic force acting on plaques and investigating its relationship with lesion geometry. The researchers performed computational fluid dynamics analysis on coronary plaque images from 81 patients' lesions. The study establishes a link between hemodynamic stress on coronary plaque and lesion geometry which should be helpful in assessing the risk of plaque rupture and treatment strategies.
Coronary artery axial plaque stress and its relationship with lesion geometry: application of computational fluid dynamics to coronary CT angiography
Bon-Kwon Koo
Added on: 11-24-2021
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