Non Animal Testing Database

Mathematical model to predict patients' response to treatment of hyperthyroidism

University of Wisconsin -Whitewater, Whitewater, USA
Anti-thyroid stimulating receptor antibodies (TRAb) sometimes overproduced by the immune system can continuously stimulate the thyroid gland and make it overactive (hyperthyroidism). This autoimmune problem is called Graves’ disease and is currently treated using a compound called methimazole (MMI). In the present study, the researchers aimed at developing a mathematical model for hyperthyroidism treatment with MMI. The model could simulate the time-course of patients’ progression from hyperthyroidism to the normal condition and the obtained predictions were validated with patients data. The model allows to predict patient's treatment reaction and thus, tune the treatment accordingly.
A patient-specific treatment model for Graves’ hyperthyroidism
Balamurugan Pandiyan
Added on: 10-28-2021
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