Non Animal Testing Database

Predictive model of breast cancer lymph node invasion

Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
Luminal A breast cancer can have early complications leading to the development of lymph node metastasis. However, the methods of detection of this process are unreliable and some false negative cases have been reported. Here, a biomarker-based model is developed to predict lymph node metastasis in luminal A breast cancer using tissue samples of patients of luminal A invasive ductal carcinoma to investigate the expression of silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1 and apoptosis-related factors. The results showed that a combination of different specific factors of clinical and transcriptomic data had the strongest prediction performance for lymph node invasion, which also could predict shortened disease-free survival. Furthermore, it was elucidated that silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1 and specific apoptosis-related proteins have tumor suppressor activity in luminal A breast cancer. Overall, the researchers present a new tool that can help improve the prediction of lymph node metastasis, which can have a great impact in optimizing surgical strategies in breast cancer patients.
Expression of SIRT1 and apoptosis-related proteins is predictive for lymph node metastasis and disease-free survival in luminal A breast cancer
Han Suk Ryu, Seock-Ah Im
Added on: 10-25-2021
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