Non Animal Testing Database

Virtual and physical training in neurosurgery

UpSurgeOn, Milan, Italy
The "Mycro" device is a small but highly functional training system for microvascular anastomosis and microsuture. On a pad, a membrane can be spanned and put under pressure. Life-like microvessels with dissectable adventitia can be perfused to simulate blood flow. End-to-end and side-to-side anastomoses can be practised; free online courses are available as well. Due to the pressure, the sutures can be checked for leaking. The kit comes with membranes and vessels and instruments like forceps, needle holders, micro scissors and surgical loupes with led light. Further applications for many other surgical disciplines are planned.
Mycro / Microvascular Anastomosis and Microsuture
Added on: 12-02-2022
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